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Come and See. Go and Tell.

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

Author: Matt Nutter

Recently, our life group has been studying the book of John. In our efforts to grow deeper in love with Jesus, we have each been identifying parts of the story that really grab our attention about Jesus. We call them WIMAY (What Intrigues Me About You) statements. Corny name, but a fun and insightful way to look at what’s going on in the passages.

One WIMAY that jumped out to me takes place in the first chapter of John.

The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.” John 1:35-39a

So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him.

Earlier in chapter 1, John the Baptist baptized Jesus and was then telling his followers more about who Jesus was. So when these two disciples saw Jesus, they were really intrigued and wanted to know more. Interestingly, when Jesus asked what they wanted, they asked, “Where are you staying?” And immediately, Jesus invites them to come and see. Come and see. Can you imagine what these two disciples experienced after spending a day with Jesus! Jesus didn’t just give them some bullet points or some cool quips – he spent time with them. Check out what happens next.

Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. John 1:40-42

Andrew’s time with Jesus was impactful enough that he thought, “I have to go and tell my brother about this.” Go and tell. After spending the day with Jesus, Andrew had to share it with someone else, someone who was important to him.

You probably know that Jesus went on to spend the next three years – day in and day out – doing life with his disciples. Not once a week study groups or scheduled meetings, but all that life consisted of. Traveling, grocery shopping, attending the synagogue, and on and on. Can you imagine thirteen guys hanging out by a campfire most nights?!?

Jesus knew that his time with his disciples was going to be limited, so he spent quality and quantity time with them, modeling a life lived in service to his Father. And ushering in the power of the Kingdom! Healing the lame, bringing sight to the blind, restoring dignity to the outcast, casting out demons, quieting bad weather, and much more. He also taught his disciples Kingdom approaches to everyday matters, like how to handle money and taxes, how to honor women as image bearers of God, how to deal with conflict before it goes to court, and how to interact with the obnoxiously religious Pharisees.

In my personal life, I’ve always been challenged to Come and See. Devotional times, prayer, weekend worship services. While I can’t physically hang out in a house with Jesus like Andrew did, I can commune daily with him through his Word and his Holy Spirit. However, I want to make sure it doesn’t stop there – with my own deepening love for Jesus – as great as that might be! I also need to grasp hold of the Go and Tell part of this story! When God blessed Abraham in Genesis 12, He said, “I will bless you, so that all the peoples of the earth will be blessed through you.” Later Jesus reaffirms this two-step approach to following God in Matthew 22, when he says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind…and love your neighbor as yourself.” This is a consistent message throughout the Bible.

We Come and See, so that we can Go and Tell. May it be so in my life and your life this week!

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